Saturday 18 December 2010

why SP, why the 90s?

The reason I'm so fond of Smashing Pumpkins is because I can think of them as a sort of "template" to what is/was possible - and what I potentially would like to achieve - in a band. They've made such vast and varied music, and in my opinion were one of the greatest bands in the world. Somehow, they don't seem to get the recognition they deserve here in the UK, whereas in the US (their origins), they are very well credited yet still somewhat underrated. Their album that I discovered about a year ago, and my first SP album - Siamese Dream - is a timeless masterpiece, and I'm sure will forever be remembered while this planet's still spinning... the 1990s was a very special era that undoubtedly will be looked back upon for its alt. rock/metal "grunge" origins & credibility in many decades to come; which is why I feel so strongly about 90s music: because it was so true-to-life and influential. I don't want that feeling to be lost in the music & vibes of today anymore than it already has; society's only treading backwards...

Just think of the generations that are yet to come after us... if they are to exceed us, we need to bring them up the right way. And when the children of today grow up and bring children of their own to this world and it's the decades post-2030 (could you imagine that!), that "generation" of kids should be no-more 'Justin Bieber/X-Factor' mainstream-influenced, or "manufactured" put simply, than the times inherit now. It's insulting to the good of mankind! Those of us who were the "golden children" of the 90s - let's at least aim to rewrite the rules of current "mainstream". The human race has already been dumbed-down enough... "powers that be" need to understand that we - who actually give a fuck about our way of life on our planet - have had enough! Who's with me on this? I'm almost embarrassed to be a teenager in this: the 21st century! I basically do not agree with how the world is being run, and don't commend the idea of being consumer rats running around in it... 'cos that's all we really are.

In Plymouth, where I was born and raised... "the stagnant city o' jannors". God knows there aren't many young and passionate, down-to-earth people left in the world!

"And you know you're never sure, but you're sure you could be right - if you held yourself up to the light"
– 'Tonight Tonight' by Smashing Pumpkins

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