Monday 12 March 2012

archived band ads

Here's what's likely to be my final ad posted (on Join My Band). Some might say that these ads seem like a more urgent affair than the actual songwriting. After a year of reaching high, this call out's gone through several different iterations, but the main message has always been made clear amongst the vacant-eyed, chickenhearted and epiphanies: no wannabes. I think it takes a certain mind to see through these messages. What does this say about today's youth? Well I threw you the obvious...

"This ad will explode in 0 seconds." I hope you enjoy reading it... 'cos most I see are like totally uninspired/unoriginal, heh.

OK. What I really want now is some drums behind the guitar strums. Aspiring drummers, you want something worthwhile and captivating to beat skins for then I'm your man! All I require is that you are open-minded (not looking to form a "super-group") and have faith in me, because only then will I have faith in you. And that's what should separate us from any local band, that we're not just in it for ourselves; inevitably it'll be fans > band.

To give a quick idea of where I'm coming from on this, at 17 I was kicked outta home (and on bad grounds too), not for reckless behaviour, but for being unemployed and failing to join the forces... I don't exactly have my family backing me on this... just as well though 'cos I had to put my despair and creativity into something! This is what fuelled my desire to strive in artistry; to justify myself... it's opened up a lot of possibilities here. This is the chance I'm willing to take.

--Full ad (linked to)

Posted: Jan 04, 2012
Here I go again... maybe someday I'll get it right...

Various inspirations: Feeder, Yellowcard, Ash, Paramore, Soundgarden, The Smashing Pumpkins, Muse, Eels, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Evanescence, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Linkin Park, Incubus, A Perfect Circle. All began with the video game soundtracks of Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda... hardly "conventional" or following trends then! ;)

Looking to form a band, not driven by self-image (like the poser acts), but with a hardcore/limitless vibe (and a hunger to achieve much and hopefully be recognised in the music industry), up for enjoying any moment we might get in the spotlight... just not taking ourselves too serious-like? But the band has to be something important; going on to become a "brand"; otherwise what's the point? I've already experimented extortionately with "serious" songwriting (inspired by some of the bands above) and have "killer" material that is definitely gonna have to go somewhere, but we'll see how things progress... I'm already in inspiration-overload as it is, but you've gotta start from somewhere! Might just have to rap my most meaningful rhymes (on my younger bros recommendation) if nothing comes of this band thing, and I'd rather not do that tbh (might spoil my integrity, and I don't really see myself as the type to "spit on the mic" anyway)!

I wouldn't want to be in a band if it had no purpose or the potential to make a difference to lives. So what do I mean exactly by "purpose"? Well, taking our ordinary, mundane lives and being prepared to break conventions, I guess... right now the only edge this dream has is in the honesty, integrity and flexibility of my lyrical ability... it's no secret that practically everything's already been done before in the music industry (and that we're now all "pretenders"), so I think my forward-thinking way with words will be key to getting us heard. But then what do I know? I wouldn't wanna be tempting fate now! Hmm...

A "hybrid" band of sorts MIGHT sound like a good idea, reflecting the above acts; a blend of alternative and indie; classic and modern rock. Though I must say that The Smashing Pumpkins are by far my biggest influence, having throughout my late teenage years practically empowered my entire outlook on life. I also have much respect for anyone open-minded enough to enjoy listening to opposite "extremes" of music styles/scenes e.g. take for instance my taste in 90s heavy/alternative metal Soundgarden AND 00s mainstream pop-punk Paramore... quite a difference there and I'm rather proud of it! Just wanna find some guys on common ground here, within the age range of 18-24... if that's possible?

I am confident that I could achieve much on my own as a singer/songwriter/musician, but the drive of a band will make all the difference; that and the thought of being a "one-man-band" is not overwhelmingly practical or inspiring anyway... I've been that way for long enough. I am 20 years old btw; studied sound and music technology; play electric/acoustic guitar from the soul (began with keyboard/piano) and wear my heart on my sleeve, and if you don't believe me then you better check my music profile/blog for more details!

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